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Halloween Special

WOULD YOU DARE TO TRY CINNAMON SOHO’S BRAIN BURGER? The latest culinary brainchild of soho restaurants London, Cinnamon Soho is sure to have you all aquiver this Halloween – the daringly delicious Brain Burger. But, are you brave enough to try it? Bringing a whole new meaning to the term ‘brain food’, the meaty deep-fried lambs’ brains are packed full of fiendish flavour and come topped with crunchy onion rings, sliced tomatoes and salad, sandwiched between a toasted brioche bun and served alongside masala wedges and a coriander chutney dip. Watch the slasher-style making of it here! Priced at £7, the dish is available from 27th October until 8th November and can be washed down with its mindful counterpart, the Brain Freeze cocktail (£8), made with spiced rum, amaretto liqueur, blue curaçao, lime and apple juice. Although the concept may be frightful to some, lambs’ brains have numerous health benefits - loaded with protein and high levels of phosphorous, iron, copper and zinc – food for thought indeed! For those that dare to try the Brain Burger simply @cinnamonsoho with #brainwave for like or #braindrain for dislike and all those that tweet will be entered into a draw to win a three-course dinner for four with wine!

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